Cookie policy at SatAgro
- As part of its operation the SatAgro service automatically downloads and processes information contained in cookie files.
- Cookies are understood to mean, in accordance with the provisions of art. 173 of the Act of Telecommunication Law from 16.07.2004 , IT data (especially text files), which is stored in the SatAgro User's device and which are necessary or useful when using web pages within the SatAgro Service. In general, the data described above is marked with a unique number and contains the name of the website from which they came from, and the time they have been stored on the User's device.
- The SatAgro Service is operated by SatAgro Sp. z o.o., registered at 93 Żwirki i Wigury St., 02-089 Warszawa, e-mail:, which is the party responsible for placing cookie files on the User's device.
- We employ cookies in order to:
- get user location,
- to store user preferences,
- ensure the safety of logged in users,
- registering whether a given user expressed a specific consent or not,
- monitor user behavior on our Service.
- In general, the SatAgro Service uses two types of cookie files:
- session cookies – left on the User's device until they leave the website or close their web browser,
- permanent cookies – left on the Users device for a set amount of time or until manual removal by the User.
- Most web browsers allow cookies to be stored on the end user's device by default. Changes to this setting are the exclusive purview of our users and may be made at any time, including by automatically disabling cookies in your web browser settings or by displaying the appropriate information each time they are placed on your device by the SatAgro Service. Detailed information on the use of cookie data is available in the web browser's settings.
- The operator of the SatAgro platform would like to inform that partial or full disabling of cookies may limit the availability of services offered within the websites of the service.
- Information placed on the Service user's device may be provided to SatAgro's co-operators, including for advertising and marketing purposes. In such cases users will be informed and their explicit consent will be required to use the necessary cookie files.
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